St. Sophia Cathedral |
Home St. Sophia Cathedral Museum St. Sophia Cathedral Architectural monuments in the grounds of the St. Sophia Cathedral |
ua. ru. en. Museum ST. SOPHIA CATHEDRAL Historical information Plan of museum ST. SOPHIA CATHEDRAL Narthex Architecture and murals - Plan, Ground floor - Mosaics - Frescos - Graffiti - other details Sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise North cloister Towers Lofts - Plan, First floor ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF THE 18TH CENTURY Bell Tower Seminary Cells of the Cathedral Elders Metropolitan's Residence Refectory Consistory South Entrance Tower Zaborovsky Gate First Rus library BRANCHES OF THE MUSEUM
Excursions Kiev |
BRANCHES OF THE MUSEUM St. Sophia CathedralThe State Preserve of Architecture and History known as the St. Sophia Cathedral is at present an establishment which includes the following branches: the Golden Gates, St. Cyril's and St. Andrew's Churches and the Sudak Fortress in the Crimea. THE GOLDEN GATESThe Golden Gates is the unique monument reflecting the art of fortification in Kievan Rus which have survived into modern times. The Golden Gates were the main entrance into Kiev. It was a combination of defensive tower and church. Only walls of the passage way have been preserved. In 1982, a protective pavilion was constructed which would prevent the Golden Gates from further destruction and at the same time re-construct the initial appearance of the monument. Data of archaeological and scientific research done in the 1970s were used. Defensive tower with the passage way, the Gate Church, and the sections of the earthen rampart adjacent to the gates were re-created as well and can be viewed from all directions. The butt ends of the rampart show the inner structure of the fortifications. The new structures of the pavilion have been erected independent of the ancient masonry. Addeess: 40a Vladimirskaya St., Kiev ST. CYRIL'S CHURCHSt. Cyril's Church is a valuable 12th-19th-century memorial of architecture and art. Of special value are its monumental murals - more than 800 sq. m of 12th-century frescos; the 17th-centurV portrait of a monastery's Father Superior executed in tempera; and also oil paintings of the 19th century which include compositions by the famous Russian artist M. Vrubel. The museum exhibition relates the history of St. Cyril's Church, tells of the scientific researches and restorations made, and of the works of M. Vrubel, as well as other artists of the 19th century. Concerts of 16th-18th-century choral music may be heard (recordings). Address:12 Korotchenko St., Kiev ST. ANDREW'S CHURCHSt. Andrew's Church is an outstanding memorial of 18th-century architecture. It is built to the design of the eminent Petersburg architect B. Rastrelli, by the Moscow architect I. Michurin. The gilded iconostasis, the pulpit and the canopy over the communion table, are priceless specimens of wood carving. The paintings on the iconostasis were done with the participation of A. Antropov, famous artist of the 18th century. The museum exhibits relate the history of the church, and tell of the works of B. Rastrelli, of the restoration of the building. The museum presents concerts of Russian and Ukrainian choral music of the 18th century (recordings). Address:23 Andreyevsky Descent, Kiev THE SUDAK FORTRESS in the CrimeaThe Sudak Fortress is a unique memorial of Crimean medieval architecture. The fortress occupies an area of 29.5 hectares. It includes a great number of interesting buildings, defensive walls and towers, the Consul's Castle, the Observation Tower, the Mosque, churches, etc. There is also an exhibition of archaeological finds. The memorials reflect different periods in the history of the old city which was situated not only within the bounds of the mountain fortress but also had its own port and suburbs. The area of the former port contains architectural memorials of the 14th century - the Astagver Tower (Port Tower), the Church of the Twelve Apostles, and shore fortifications of the 6th century. The Sudak Fortress contains an exhibition that tells of the researches and restoration of the memorials. The 19th-century Protestant Church in the settlement of Uyutnoye presents periodical exhibitions. Address: Uyutnoye, Sudak, the Crimea |
Virtual tour around the museum’s grounds of Saint Sophia Cathedral |
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